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Outdoor Sports :: Shooting also Social Events :: Sporting Events
EAGLE OPS Freedom Shoots
10:00 AM (America/Chicago)
Tulsa Gun Club
What : Eagle OPS Freedom Shoots are a controlled range shooting event.
?When : 3rd Saturday of every month ( Unless Specified otherwise)
Where : Tulsa Gun Club - 8888 Mohawk Blvd, Tulsa, OK from 10am - 1pm
Who : Who is welcome. Eagle OPS encourages all active duty, reservists, veterans, families and all patriots to join them for every Mission!

Why : To provide veterans and other attendees an opportunity To have some fun putting rounds down range, to build relationships, get connected with resources and ease the difficult transition of returning home.
How : How to register for this event. GO to EAGLEOPS.ORG/FREEDOMSHOOTS
What are Freedom Shoots?
Eagle OPS Freedom Shoots are controlled range shooting events held the 3rd Saturday of every month at Tulsa Gun Club. At each Freedom Shoot, 10 veterans and/or service members participate free of charge (weapons & ammo provided), thanks to our partners and sponsors. With our Rise Armament Watchman Rifles, veterans and service members participate in timed shooting competition. The competition is a super fun and easy but competitive modified 3 gun style course. At the end of the shoot, the competitor with the best time of the day receives a prize. They are then eligible to compete in a championship event in November. Eagle OPS encourages active duty, reservists, veterans, families and all patriots to come to the Freedom Shoots.

Freedom Shoots offer friendly competition but more importantly, they provide veterans and other attendees an opportunity to build relationships and ease the difficult transition of returning home from active duty. While participants wait their turn they can enjoy coffee and visit with an on-site Veteran Service Officer to assist with VA Claims benefits, questions or needs.

Together we can continue the Eagle OPS mission of “connecting relationships and resources to bring our heroes home, one operation at a time.”

Competition Rules & Guidelines:
Eagle OPS Freedom Shoot applicants will be selected on a first come / first serve basis. Proof of service or veteran status must be submitted to be selected. We will select 10 service members or Veterans per shoot. Service Members / Veterans are ALWAYS encouraged to bring their families to our events. **Shooting age requirement is 12 years and up with a legal guardian present.
Click For Info
Age Group: All Ages
Venue: Tulsa Gun Club
Address: 8888 Mohawk Blvd Tulsa, Oklahoma 74117
Phone: N/A

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